2011 Squire Russell Calendar:  Made for his mom and dad. All the photos in the calendar were taken by me. This calendar is still hanging on Tom and Andrea's wall. They switch the pictures every so often. If you would like a personal calendar done, take a look at the "contact me" page.

2010-11 Guinness Calendar:  Made for my friend Devyn of her dog. I took most of the photos (2010: Apr., May, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. 2011: Mar., Apr.) The rest were supplied.

Imperial Knights Calendar: Made for Imperial Knights Production Company. They sold it at their events. Most all of photos for the calendar were taken by me with a few by Bryan Lundens.

Imperial Knights: New design idea for an Imperial Knights' calendar. This one will have a little something about each knight. All the photos were taken by me.

Celeste Bivin, 200 N. Central Ave., Allerton, Iowa 50008 – simplybivin@yahoo.com  – (641) 217-0040